October 1st, 2019
Keep up with the latest issue with Missouri Feral Hogs
2008 plan order by Governor to Eridicate Feral Hogs.
MDC Quote - WE been trapping for 25 years!
NO HUNTING for feral hogs since 2016
Does Missouri have LESS or MORE Feral Hogs since 2016?
Not ONE area controlled by agencies has eliminated FERAL HOGS in Missouri - Johnson Shut Inns State Park, Fort Lenoard Wood, Big Spring National Park, Current River National Scenic River way, Sam A. Baker State Park, Duck Creek Wildlife Management Area, Mingo Wildlife Refuge, Wappappello Lake, Peck’s Ranch, Taum Sauk State Park, Corp Ground, LAD Foundation Ground, etc., etc., etc.!
Deputy Director of Missouri Department of Conservation Speaking:
Keep this in mind MTNF, MDC, Corp, State and LAD Foundation land over 2 million acres in which will protect hogs from hunters in 2020. The most successful hog trapping company in America with the cell cameras, and remote triggers took 2 years and 7 months to clear hogs off of 5000 acres. Which they killed more with thermals than they did with trapping because it REQUIRED both.
1. Mark Twain National Forest 2017 Forest Report Population is 20,000 to 30,000 in state of Missouri per The U.S. Forest Service
2. 2017 Wild Pigs Removed 6,567 for entire state per Missouri Department of Conservation
3. 20,000 - Man Hours and 2 1/2 Million Dollars per Missouri Department of Conservation
4. 15 USDA APHIS Trappers in 2017
5. Max of 32% to Min 20% of the population removed in 2017
6. 2017 it took 3.04-man hours per hog - $380.00 per hog and 437 hogs killed per USDA trapper.
7. 150 Trappers will be added to trap over 2 million acres of public ground which means they will have to cover 13,333 acres a piece on public ground only.
8. Missouri is a Tier 3 state 10,000 to 100,000 Feral hogs.
9. 2014 Missouri Department of conservation said we had 10,000 hogs.
Extrapolation the numbers from 2017 population, killed, and growth rate the at the end of 2019 the minimum population 36,574 to maximum 109,539.
First 9 are FACTS in Record – This one is fantasy - Then that should mean 2020 they should catch 65,550 hogs, just under 25 million dollars with 199,272 man hours. They better hope that the population is not near, at or over 100,000 because they will still be only 65% and it takes 70% to keep population stable. This makes me laugh so much.
BREAKING NEWS: July 31st, 2019 -
SORRY JAGER PRO, BOAR BUSTER, AND BULL CREEK – Fire employees and file for bankruptcy MISSOURI HAS the most innovated trap in the history of man. Even catches hogs the next day that missed the first day. – HOLD ON – Thought you caught the whole sounder at one time. Now I am confused!!
Truth and Nothing But the Truth. What does it feel like to be Law Abiding Southeast Missouri Landowner that becomes the target of a Missouri Agency trying to protect his land? I seen the Video of the Deputy Director of the Missouri Department of Conservation bashing him. It's a crying shame!
Missouri Department of Conservation in REALITY are regulating FERAL HOGS – They are urinating on your leg and telling you it’s raining. The pieces of the puzzle are coming together.
In the guise of protecting wildlife.
Don’t for one second think that none of this is not coming, People of Missouri can fight but no one is listening or even cares about your opinion.
Your opinion matters, just not to Jefferson City.
They are telling the Citizen of Missouri,
WHERE they cannot kill feral hogs. Missouri Department of Conservation Land, Corp of Engineers Land, State Parks, LAD Foundation and very soon Mark Twain National Forest. Over 2 million acres of Southern Missouri Feral Hogs will be protected from hunters.
WHO can kill feral hogs with the new regulation in December they will decide, IF a Landowner QUALIFIES to kill feral hogs on PRIVATE land at night, and if landowners representatives will get written authorization with a certain type of weapons.
WHEN they already tell landowners that they cannot bait for feral hogs and deer or turkey hunt that same section of land. Soon with new regulation be able to control if landowners can shoot them at night.
HOW they can kill feral hogs in the state of Missouri will soon be regulated by written authorization if you don’t have it, you won’t be able to use night vision or thermals.
So, what’s left –
1. So in 2020 - Landowners and representatives can kill hogs during daylight on private ground with guns, bows, and dogs without asking for the King and Queens permission.
What do you get out of this? Three Different Letters from Missouri Department of Conservation, from three different individuals within the department to TWO different citizens of Missouri on the same subject. Within 8 days.
As I stated in the previous TWO letters, this in KNOW way EXPANDS landowners right it is 4 additional BARRIERS “Report, Meet, Verify, and Qualify” to ERIDCATE FERAL HOGS and for a LANDOWERS TO PROTECT LANDOWNER PROPERTY from feral hogs)
(Current: Example)
(Step 1: Day 1: Feral Hog shows up landowner see damage and goes out that night kills hog or calls friends to help kill hogs.)
(MDC: Example)
(STEP 1: Day 1: Feral Hog show up shows up landowner must call agent and pray that he answers his phone and you don’t have to leave message.)
(STEP 2: Day 2 to Day ???: Agent Returns call since you had to leave a message, and pray you’re not working or busy and the agent does not have to leave a message)
(STEP 3: DAY 3 to Day ???: Because the landowners work for a living you can finally return the agents phone call and don’t have to leave message and have a conversation)
(STEP 4: DAY 4 to Week ????: Because landowners are busy and the agent is also busy, landowner finally has time to meet at your land so the agent can VERIFY HOG DAMAGE and the landowner QUALIFIES and then the agent gives a WRITTEN PREMISSION and provides landowner with SPECIFIC INSTRUCTION)
(I pray it’s not a pregnant sow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Under this proposed change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(I have seen corn fields destroyed in one night, I have seen milo fields destroyed in one night, I have seen my food plots destroyed in 1 hour, I have seen hogs at wallows for 60 seconds.
(If your goal is to add barriers and time to landowners and representative to kill feral hogs, then you will be successful, if your goal is to ERDICATED feral hogs in Missouri well this is NOT IT!)
Missouri Media is part of the problem when they report incorrectly
The Department of Conservation asking you to weigh-in on use of night-vision optics for hunting The Department of Conservation is asking you to weigh-in on the use of night-vision optics for hunting in Missouri.
September 20th, 2019
MDC Radio Interview
Finally Missouri Media Radio that cares about the getting answers
Interview with MDC head enforcement agent on these questions ,
There is some very revealing things that were discussed in this interview
1 what is the extend of the MDC authority over MDC land verses private land
2 what is the MDC authority over the feral hog on MDC land verses private land
3. if there are conflicting rules and laws between state statute and mdc rules which take precedence?
4. does the current laws say that land owners can do deal with the feral hog on their property by any means they fell is best. including using night vision or for that matter poison. as long as you dont kill other then hogs
5. if the law says a land owner can by any means kill the feral hog, doesn't that also mean having people help kill them?
6. the MDC has publicly said that they are putting in changes for night vision to keep people from poaching game. so can we understand that the MDC is wanting to make a law to keep law breakers from violating the law
Missouri Agency - We are worried that People of Missouri are now able to buy 80 dollars night vision scopes at Walmart and kill our deer. Really LOL
Fort Leonard Wood Regulations: This is my favorite Feral hog traps are at all times off limits to all persons as are the hogs which may be in the traps. It is also illegal to harvest a deer that enters incidentally into the hog trap.
September 15th, 2019
Post sent to me from the People of Missouri.
1. The feral hog coalition has engulfed everyone but MTNF
2. If they do not comply with the coalition recommendation they will be against the (experts)
3. The feral hog problem has been getting worse for the last 20 years and nothing so far has slowed the migration / spread
4. The overall belief for the MDC and those that are like them it that the Government is the answer for all problems, thus the Government needs control of everything
5. If the MTNF does not comply with the recommendations of the coalition they will have to answer to everyone why the feral hog problem is getting worse in the forest.
6. If they follow the recommendations of the coalition they can say that it is not their fault and they were following the guidelines.
7. The MDC and most of the Government is the fourth and fifth branch of Government (which is Socialist by nature and design)
8. The Legislators in Missouri are very much against the MDC (can not reveal sources) because the MDC has an unlimited budget and not under the control of the Legislation. So the people elected to govern can not govern the MDC and that bothers them. (they refer to the MDC as the Missouri Mafia)
9. The feral hog is the perfect vehicle to gain control of almost all private land.
10. African Swine Flu is going to get to the USA.
11. All studies agree that the ASF is in part spread by the Feral hogs not to mention that CWD is confirmed to be spread by feral hogs It is a pipe dream to think that anyone can eradicate the Feral Hogs. they can be managed by a group effort. But is that the goal of MDC?
I think that the real goal of the MDC is to use the Feral Hog to get as much control of private land as possible. Then worry about management of them. Remember that the MDC and all socialist are in for the Long Game
Think about this as you scroll thru the People of Missouri photos below!
When you think about the Wild Hog Population in Missouri No Budget,
No Advertising,
No Power of the State or Federal Government,
No Lobby groups backing me,
No Conservation groups backing me,
No Press Releases
No Media Backing or Reporting
Look at the amount of Free Ranging Wild Hog Reports I get as one individual in Missouri.
October 2nd, 2019
Butler County, Missouri
You can enjoy Missouri’s fall color almost anywhere.
But where the best places to view FERAL HOGS since the 2016 ban. 45 counties in Southern Missouri just drive on back roads, hike, or take a float trip under a colorful forest canopy on a clear, blue-sky day.
Visit MDC Conservation Areas and Missouri State Parks those are the best places to see fall colors and are feral hog refuges and nurseries.
The Missouri Division of Tourism’s might be able to help you find events across Southern Missouri, but since they are hidden in their Headquarters in Jefferson City doubt if they even know what a Feral Hog looks like.
Missouri the Self Proclaimed National Model for Feral Hog Eradication October 2nd, 2019 - Butler County, Missouri - 7 plus hogs feeding along edge County Road
October 1st, 2019
Madison County, Missouri
Welcome to Madison, County, Missouri - October 1st, 2019 What does 19 months of trapping hogs in Missouri look like for landowners, while hogs are protected from hunters on public land. Can you tell a difference?
September 30th, 2019
Absolutely Shocked – The amount of weight of Wild Hogs can put on in Southeast Missouri in that short amount of time.
But the official age results are in.
Geronimo 1 = 1 to 2 years of age at 210 lbs.
Geronimo 2 = 1 years of age at 200 lbs.
Feral hogs are born at approximately 2 lb. in weight (range of 1 to 4 lb).
The growth in body weight among feral hogs continues until about the 5th year of life Adult feral hogs average 5-6 ft in length (tip of nose to end of tail) and 2.5-3 ft in shoulder height
September 28th, 2019
Oregon County, Missouri
Texas, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Game a Fish Department's etc.. Ever wonder what the Self Proclaimed National Model of Feral Hog Eradication looks like.
Come to Missouri!
The Show Me State!!! September 28th, 2019 Oregon County, Missouri
Missouri Department of Conservation Feral Hog Trap
No Signage to warn public!
No Corn to attract hogs!
Hog wallow was 2 miles from trap.
Research done by Universities across county proves continuous catch gates are ineffective at capturing a substantial number of additional pigs after the gate is closed on first hogs.
Missouri Department of Conservation owned only Traps as of July 10, 2019 Electronic Human Activated
Qty. 7 – Boarbusters
Qty. 2 – Jager Pro
Total of 9 Electronic Human Activated Traps Animal Activated Traps
Qty. 3 – Box
Qty. 88 – Drop Traps
Qty. 147 – Guillotine
Qty. 47 – Saloon/Rooter T
Total 285 Animal Activated Traps
Total 294 Hogs Traps owned by MDC.
Be on the lookout for traps, so if TRAPS don’t have signs will you still get a ticket?
You can use bait if you are trying to trap Feral Hogs, but it will be up to the individual agents to decide how close you can hunt deer or turkey to the bait site.
Is that 100 yards, 200 yards, 300 yards or 400 yards or more. They can’t even make their minds up on that!
So, if you have 20, 40, 60, or 80 acres you very possible not be able to hunt your property?
MDC told me over phone this past April if stopped hunting 40 of my 80 acres that I own, they could come and try to trap. But still up to agent.
Missouri is trying to play by the wildlife rules while the wild hogs don’t until that changes, they will never gain control.
Wayne County, Missouri
Instead of making HUNTERS using DOGS out as the bad guys, which MDC uses a press releases to the Missouri Media, which is counterproductive the USDA APHIS and MDC instead of using helicopters over dense Ozark Forest Valleys for $296 per pig with no verification that any hogs have been killed.
If Dogs can travel the most rugged part of the Western Landscape to hunt Mountain Lions then on 100% of the landscape in Missouri can be covered by dogs, and should be used. Successful Wild Pig Eradication Utilize Trained Dogs
MDC QUOTE in Jefferson City Feb 18th, 2019 from Deputy Director "We are looking at the research being done in Tennessee on using dog and see how that turns out."
You might want to read the research already done, 1989, 1995, 2001, 2007, 2008, 2010
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service is in the business of providing research-based information, and the research continues to affirm the validity of trained dogs among the tools in our wild pig management toolbox.
I am currently unaware of a single successful wild pig eradication study that did not utilize trained dogs in some form; whether through hunting drives, tracking or through direct pursuit and capture (Mcilroy and Saillard 1989; Caley and Ottley 1995; Schuyler et al. 2001; Parkes et al. 2010; Muir and McEwen 2007; McCann and Garcelon 2008; Scillitani et al. 2010).
This is not to say that successful eradication without dogs is impossible, but rather to evidence that effective wild pig management often requires the use of all available tools.
September 2019
Missouri Media is Part of the Problem
I really don't blame people in St. Louis - Look at the St. Louis Post Dispatch has been part of the problem. They get AP or Press Releases from MDC and no fact checking. Just publish and go.
We Rednecks and Hillbillies in the south too stupid to understand.
So people of St. Louis, Jefferson City, Kansas City will all fix the problem for us landowners down here.
Bring on the Ban that way the problem moves into St. Louis, Jefferson City and Kansas City.
The Jefferson City Feral Hog Expert weigh in. Lots of problems in Jefferson City with hogs.
September 28th, 2019
Phelps County, Missouri
Food insecurity Percentage of population who lack adequate access to food.
The 2019 County Health Rankings used data from 2016 for this measure.
Place. Phelps County
# Food Insecure 7,260
% Food Insecure 16%
Phelps County, Missouri left by agency trappers on public land.
September 25th, 2019
Bollinger County, Missouri
Would like to Welcome Geronimo 3 "AKA" G3 to the party - Looks like another solid 200 lbs.
125 days hog free - Fun while it lasted.
Looks like night time temperature in the 63 degree got him moving. He decided to leave Castor River Conservation Area - "AKA" Wild Hog Sanctuary of Bollinger County, Missouri.
So far he was a one night visitor, but as photo shows he left his scent behind, so he will be back - Unlike MDC Public land where hogs are protected 365 days from hunters. If he comes back all options are on the table.
Shoot - Don't Report
As I go out on my first bow hunt if the year on September 25th, 2019. I would like to thank the Missouri Department of Conservation for the great job of managing the wild animals on Castor River Conservation Area keep up the great work.
I would like to thank the Missouri Department of Conservation for being the Self Proclaimed National Model of Feral Hog Eradication.
I would like to thank the Feral Hog Task Force for using those NEW 90% to 100% effective at catching whole Sounders traps and not making trap shy hogs.
Oh never mind Agency in Jefferson City or Lobby groups in Missouri dealing with Feral Hogs.
GO POUND SAND!!!!! Then go **** yourself!!!!
Wayne / Butler County Missouri
September 2019
Exactly how bad are feral hogs in Missouri We show the truth! Wayne / Butler County Missouri in September 2019
Mingo Wildlife Refuge - Wild Hog Nursery of Southeast Missouri
Mingo Wild Hog Nursery Page
September 22, 2019
VIDEO from SEPTEMBER 22, 2019 just a few of the 25 to 30 seen in this spot. Mingo Wildlife Refuge has intensively trapping hogs and killing with helicopters for over 7 years now,
Reports from Mingo Wildlife Refuge Bow Hunters is that once a great place to deer hunt it has really gone down and seeing a Wild Hog is commonplace.
2019 – July 29th thru August 9th – Duck Creek Conservation Area Closes Units A & B for Hog Trapping 2019 – August 8th, 2019 – Mingo Closes Areas for Hog Trapping 2019 -
The refuge will be closed to all public access intermittently February 11-15, 2019 for invasive feral hog control operations.
They killed 127 hogs and I have video proof the day after and days after that multiple dozens of hogs and huge hogs still on Mingo. 2015 - “In order to control feral hogs on Mingo, refuge staff has begun an extensive trapping effort.
Last year aka 2015, Bio Tech Jacob Plunkett was hired to run the hog traps daily.
So far since the end of bow season January 15, a total of 170 hogs have been killed on Mingo.
139 by trapping, 32 by shooting and 5 by snares.
Since 2012, a total of 489 hogs have been killed on Mingo 2014 – I had a one on one with Dan Ashe, Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service about the Wild Hog problem at Mingo 2014 -
Missouri Department of Conservation Official Research: 1800 Feral Hogs are estimated of population.
2014 – Results of Control methods on Mingo during Research.
HOG DOGS – 54.8% - 115 – Feral Hogs
HUNTING / SHOOTING – 23.3% - 49 Feral Hogs
TRAPPING – 18.6% - 39 Feral Hogs
SNARES – 2.9% - 6 Feral Hogs
HELICOPTER – 0.5% - 1 - Feral Hog was taken by MDC Helicopter 2014 –
Final Draft from Mingo National Wildlife Refuge - Mingo is 21,592 acres and has a population of wild hogs of 400-700
2013 - Mingo’s Refuge Manager Quote to Media: 200 Feral Hogs estimated population.
2011 - This was my statement about Mingo Wildlife Refuge – Quote "Mingo will be like a hog nursery for the surrounding properties. They killed four the last I heard and viewed 23 different ones by Mingo Employee. This sow weighted in at 149 lbs. field dressed the other sow weight in at 233 live weight. They killed 4 today. I have the photos to show
1992 - I was chased by a Wild Hog on Mingo Wildlife Refuge along with 13 other people before the they killed it, their statement was it got loose from the sale barn from across the refuge four years earlier and was 450 lbs. when it was killed.
September 22, 2019
Madison County
What does bow hunting look like in Madison County, Missouri after a year of almost 10 months of trapping with 90 to 100% effective traps and Report - Don't Shoot motto used by Missouri Self Proclaimed National Model of Feral Hog Eradication.
September 19th, 2019
St. Louis County, Missouri
There’s something you don’t see everyday. A hog was captured on someone’s Ring video in Wildwood, Missouri!
Would like to Welcome St. Louis County as a Verified Feral Hog County in Missouri - Feral Hog Task Force has a message for you - "WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT, WE ARE HERE TO HELP" but our map shows you are in a HOG FREE ZONE - Does that work like a GUN FREE ZONE? So may be 5 to 10 years. Bwahaaaaaa
It just got real for St. Louis Mt. Bikers - West St Louis County near Wildwood. North of Eureka and Meramec River. Biker video taped hogs on bike trail.
Who's the USDA Aphis hog trapper for St. Louis county Bwhaaaaaaaaaaa
Don't Shoot - Report the MDC moto
September 17th, 2019
Madison County, Missouri
In a MDC world this Sow with piglets would be thriving today.
Missouri the Self Proclaimed National Model of Feral Hog Eradication with 90% to 100% effective traps.
Opps guess not. More like 25% statewide.
September 17th, 2019. Neighboring Landowner property invaded by 4 to 5 Adults and 15 Piglets today.
The went with the People of Missouri moto. Shoot - Don't Report.
MDC has a trap set on a landlocked piece of property behind this spot in the Mark Twain National Forest. They've caught a few but not enough to even talk about. Tons of sign everywhere!
June of 2019
Iron County, Missouri
Here's what Missouri the Self Proclaimed National Model of Feral Hog Eradication looks like on 18 acres of a Private Landowner in Iron County, Missouri.
Wonder if this landowner will QUALIFY for special written permission, after agent comes out verifies to have someone come kill feral hogs at night, once they get specific instructions and that person get permission also to shoot at night.
Wonder what will be required from Jefferson City to be asked and answered by landowners. Well have you called and Reported first, so we can come trap with our 90 to 100% traps? If not you don't qualify. I Did call last year and was told they were out of traps and brought us one bag of corn. If you can't kill them at least they can feed them.
MISSOURI the Self Proclaimed National Model of Feral Hog Eradication, what a joke.
September 12th, 2019
St. Francois County, Missouri
Counted 8 in this photo.
Missouri the Self Proclaimed National Model of Feral Hog Eradication!
Missouri / USDA Aphis - Our NEW traps are 90% to 100% effective at catching whole sounders.
St. Francois County, Missouri - My aunt and uncle had Missouri Department of Conservation come in and it was a joke. They caught 2 and left. Didn't want to mess with them.
The property is just over run with feral hogs now!!!!
March 2019 thru September 2019
TOTAL ERADICATION What does Texas County, Missouri looks like when a Missouri Department of Conservation Hog Trap sits 100 yards away from a Camera for over 1 YEAR?
TOTAL ERADICATION What does Don't Shoot - Report the MDC moto to the public look like in Texas County, Missouri?
TOTAL ERADICATION What does Missouri the Self Proclaimed National Model of Feral Hog Eradication look like in Texas County, Missouri.
TOTAL ERADICATION What does Missouri with these NEW 90% to 100% effective traps look like after a year 100 yards away?
TOTAL ERADICATION What does it look like after Governor tells the Missouri Department of Conservation to make a Feral Hog Task force in Texas County, Missouri.
TOTAL ERADICATION What does it look like after 20 to 25 years of trapping per Deputy Director of the Missouri Department of Conservation in Texas County, Missouri?
TOTAL ERADICATION What does the headline in December of 2018 "CLOSING IN ON FERAL HOGS" in Missouri Conservationist Magazine look like in Texas County, Missouri?
TOTAL ERADICATION What does Texas County look like in September of 2019? Missouri Department of Conservation has become a National Embarrassment of Feral Hog Eradication with EVERY game and fish department in county.
See for yourself!!!!! What a Joke - TOTAL ERADICATION!!!
March 7th thru June 17th
Texas County, Missouri
September 2nd thru 6th
Texas County, Missouri
September 11th thru 13th
Texas County, Missouri
August & September, 2019
Washington County, Missouri
With Reasonable Expectations WE want to add additional requirements from landowners.
WE will require you to Call,
WE will verify,
WE will decided if you qualify.
WE will write Authorization for those individuals. Maybe!
Because someone YOU want to kill feral hogs at night, will without a doubt poach a deer off YOUR property. Because as a landowner YOU allow unscrupulous individuals on your property all the time.
WE are Missouri the Self Proclaimed National Model of Feral Hog Eradication. Your just a subservient of the 4th Branch of the Missouri Government. Just enjoying the NEW NORMAL in September 2019 in Washington County, Missouri.
September 19th, 2019
Stoddard County, Missouri
Shoot - Don't Report
Attention Missouri Bowhunters - If Missouri agency Refuses to post results of Wild Hogs seen by bow hunters. People of Missouri will. If you are a Bow hunters, or you know bow hunters share this post. We want to know what county, how many feral hogs you see while bow hunting. Take a photo!!!!! If you are on MDC ground where they are protected from hunters, then take photos or video of the Wild Hogs on the Missouri Wild Hog Sanctuary.
I have been keeping my own records of every deer hunting for the last 36 years.
I have been keeping records for the last 23 years for MDC bowhunter survey.
19 years ago they added Wild Hog to survey.
They provide results state wide for every county for every animal. NOT once have they ever provided results for Wild Hogs.
Everything dealing with Missouri wild hogs is like a National Security Secret.
But I guess to get answer someone has to fill out a Freedom of information request for wild hogs and bowhunter suvery for the last 19 years.
Really comes down to they believe People of Missouri especially Southern Missouri are stupid to understand.
September 16th, 2019
Carter County, Missouri
September 2nd, 2019
Madison County, Missouri
September 2019 in Madison County, Missouri Too many Game Camera in the woods now and will expose the truth in Missouri. All the press releases from Jefferson City, Missouri can't hide the truth. All the propaganda from Jefferson City, Missouri can't hide the truth.
Missouri Farm Bureau Members – Video about MISSOURI FERAL HOGS - Jul 8, 2015 just before ban on killing hogs on MDC, Corp and State Land.
Bill Thompson, Don Kory, Cythina Wesling and Bill Jackson – You have boots on the ground so I am curious.
Any other members of the Missouri Farm Bureau that have feral hogs. What do you think?
Bill Thompson Iron County Farm Bureau Member – Question have Feral Hogs been ERIDICATED from your farm over the last 4 years since you appeared in video?
Don Kory Renyolds County Farm Bureau Member – Question have Feral Hogs been ERIDICATED from your farm since you appeared in video 4 years ago?
Cythina Wesling Madison County Farm Bureau Member – Question have Feral Hogs been ERIDICATED from your farm since you appeared in video 4 years ago?
Bill Jackson - Renyolds County Farm Bureau Member – Question have Feral Hogs been ERIDICATED from your farm since you appeared in video 4 years ago?
Aaron Jeffries, deputy director of the Missouri Department of Conservation, explained the current public policy regarding feral hogs. “We prohibit hog hunting on our conservation areas in 2016: Because we tried hog hunting for 20 to 25 years,” Jeffries said. “We encouraged hog hunting (in conjunction with trapping)”
Which officials records only show they been trapping since 2008, that 11 years of Trapping
Mark McClain – MDC Wildlife Management Biologist - Question do we have more feral hogs 4 years since you’re in this video or less in Missouri?
USDA Trappers have been added since 2016 that’s 3 years.
USDA Aphis Trappers 2016 – 5 Trappers
USDA Aphis Trapper 2017 – 15 Trappers
USDA Aphis Trappers 2018 – 28 Trappers
Dan McMurty – USDA District Supervisor – Question do we have more feral hogs 4 years since you’re in this video or less in Missouri?
After protecting Feral Hogs 365 days a year from hunters on MDC Ground for the past 3 years.
Missouri Landowners and Farmers are now going to EXTREMES to protect property from Feral Hogs in Missouri!!!
Another Missouri Landowner with 48-acre field of milo.
Quote from Farmer: All of our crop fields have a 5-strand electric fence with a 15 jewel charger. A tree fell on the fence, they got in overnight and destroyed 4 plus acres in the bottoms before we knew it. Soybeans damage also, but and wasn’t hurt as bad.
This is what Missouri the Self Proclaimed National Model of Feral Hog Eradication looks like with 90 to 100% traps effectiveness! In a famous quote by the renowned Dr. Ian Malcolm, "Life, Uh, Finds a Way"
People of Missouri have had it. Video is landowner mowing hay yesterday September 10, 2019 the wild hogs had it tore up all the dust is from the turned over sod. This is what Missouri the Self Proclaimed National Model of Feral Hog Eradication looks like with 90 to 100% traps effectiveness! You can see some of the rooted ground as he passes.
First hand account of Missouri Landowner in August of 2019!!
It just never ends 11 miles Southwest of my property.
Took wild hogs 3 days to destroy 4 to 5 acres of corn.
Landowner Quote: They just torn it down to the ground.
Landowner Quote: It was some good corn too.
September & August 2019
Bollinger County, Missouri
With the CURRENT Wild Hog Populaiton between 40,000 and 100,000 and MDC only killing 8,000. Another landowner has joined the club nobody want to be in 11 Miles Southeast of Twin Bridges on Hwy 34.
I literally can't keep up with the Wild Hog photos coming in within 12 miles of Castor River Conservation Area from landowners. The hogs keep rolling in. 6 to 7 miles North of Twin Bridges on Hwy 34.
Report of Wild Hogs around Castor River just pouring in Boars must be on the move.
September 2019 |
June 2019 |