Missouri Natural Resource Conference
Deer Management for Missouri Wildlife Managers Seminar Series at the Missouri Natural Resource Conference on February 1st, 2012 at Tan Tar A Resort in the Lake of the Ozarks.
With over 100 of Missouri Department of Conservation Employees on hand, and the Private Land Conservationist being the Majority in attendance for each seminar.
Seminar and Speakers
Ø Introduction: - Ted Seiler
Ø White-tailed Deer History, Biology & Ecology: - Lonnie Hanson
Ø Management Goals and Harvest Strategies: - Emily Flinn
Ø Antler Growth, Genetics, and Culling – Jason Sumners
Ø Deer Diseases and Other Concerns – Jason Sumners
Ø Using Deer to Promote All Species Habitat Management: Rick Merritt, Brent Vandeloecht, Dave Hasenbeck
Ø Private Land Management: – A Case Study: Rick Merritt
Ø Deer Nutrition: – Brent Vandeloecht
Ø Native Community: Management: - Dave Hasenbeck
Ø The Importance of Partners: Quality Deer Management Association, etc. – Ted Seller
Ø Deer Management Cooperative: – Jeff Esely
Ø Sources of Deer Management Information: – Brad Mormann
Ø Urban Population Management Challenges: - Erin Shank
Ø Questions and Answers Session – Entire Panel of Above Speakers.
With over 100 of Missouri Department of Conservation Employees on hand, and the Private Land Conservationist being the Majority in attendance for each seminar.
Seminar and Speakers
Ø Introduction: - Ted Seiler
Ø White-tailed Deer History, Biology & Ecology: - Lonnie Hanson
Ø Management Goals and Harvest Strategies: - Emily Flinn
Ø Antler Growth, Genetics, and Culling – Jason Sumners
Ø Deer Diseases and Other Concerns – Jason Sumners
Ø Using Deer to Promote All Species Habitat Management: Rick Merritt, Brent Vandeloecht, Dave Hasenbeck
Ø Private Land Management: – A Case Study: Rick Merritt
Ø Deer Nutrition: – Brent Vandeloecht
Ø Native Community: Management: - Dave Hasenbeck
Ø The Importance of Partners: Quality Deer Management Association, etc. – Ted Seller
Ø Deer Management Cooperative: – Jeff Esely
Ø Sources of Deer Management Information: – Brad Mormann
Ø Urban Population Management Challenges: - Erin Shank
Ø Questions and Answers Session – Entire Panel of Above Speakers.
Missouri QDMA
Three Eastern Missouri branches, from (Trail of Tears – Jackson, Mo., Semo – Ste. Gen, Mo., Gateway Branch - St. Louis) were represented at the Missouri Natural Resources Conference.
Panel of Speakers
The Quality Deer Management Association received numerous mentions during the speeches along with almost every power point display having the logo included with the presentation. Just some examples are, Pages within the QDMA website, Kip’s Corner, Education Material QDMA offers. It was very impressive to see the Missouri Department of Conservation highlight good management techniques and to include Quality Deer Management Association in the forefront to leading the way for those practices. Missouri Branches of the QDMA look forward to many opportunities in partnering with the MDC to reach more deer managers in Missouri for the benefit of the whitetail deer and other wildlife.
Missouri Whitetail Message Board was also mentioned and showed at Conference, which is good, they said join those sites and get engaged with the Missourians.
So if you get a chance to work with a MDC Private Land Conservationist, get it done. I have! Horntagger.
Missouri Whitetail Message Board was also mentioned and showed at Conference, which is good, they said join those sites and get engaged with the Missourians.
So if you get a chance to work with a MDC Private Land Conservationist, get it done. I have! Horntagger.