Chernobyl Raccoon Egg
Cap for Dog Proof Raccoon Trap
Chernobyl Raccoon Eggs dog proof cap with scent / lure holder base made to protect your raccoon bait and enhance your raccoon bait.
Helps keep mice, birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and pack rats from eating bait out of Dog Proof traps. Your trap still has food in it when the Raccoon comes by.
Helps keep bait dry from rain and snow, so that bait is fresh and scent still working. Not 100% airtight so scent can still get out.
Helps with the eye appeal at night, keying off the raccoon’s eyesight of detecting shiny objects. Helps on those nights that the wind is in the wrong direction the raccoon is traveling or moons are not up all night and/or overcast skies at night.
POWER of the EGG - The No. 1 Nest Predator - Research going back to 1948 by biologist across the nation. 75 years of research on Wild Turkeys nothing NEW they are looking for the eggs. They can’t help themselves. If you ever raised chickens, you know this to be true!
SCENT / LURE HOLDER BASE - Creating a feeding frenzy that needs to be satisfied with bait in Dog Proof!
2025 Dealer Map
Mac's Traps & Trapping Supplies
203 Pine Street, Cottonwood, Idaho
Mac's Traps & Trapping Supplies - Facebook Page
Athen, Pennsylvania
Fur Life TV - Facebook Page
An Arkansas Trapper
3704 E. Highland Dr.
Jonesboro, Arkansas
Facebook - An Arkansas Trapper
YouTube - An Arkansas Trapper
Over 2,000 Chernobyl Raccoon Eggs Deployed
Chernobyl Raccoon Egg introduced December 11, 2022
Trapping Community
Going from the footholds for raccoons to dog proofs in the early 80’s some history or knowledge was lost, forgotten or just not passed along as the type of trappers have changed from fur takers to landowners for management.
It is mentioned in the book A Natural History of the Raccoons - MacClintock page was published in 1981 pre dog proof traps. “Trappers take advantage of this attraction to bright objects”
1933 thru 1981 publication it mentioned – Water Set – For Raccoons, a bright object like aluminum foil, clam shell, or bottle cap wired to pan will act as attractant.
Trapper 1 - In my story “First Catches” which was in Trapper’s World I described how I caught my first raccoon with a piece of aluminum foil on a trap pan in 1962. One of my uncles had told me to do that.
Trapper 2 - Remembers people talking about aluminum foil and metal shiny crawdad's also for trapping raccoons.
Trapper 3 - This is from the FC Taylor catalog shiny metal fish, I used tin foil on the pan, caught my first three raccoons on tin foil on trap pans set in shallow water.
They mention raccoons like to play with bright objects like brass trap tags, soda can tops, aluminum foil, fake crawdads or fake minnows. Even one book has the - Shiny-Pan Set
Scientific Community
Raccoons are thought to be color blind or at least poorly able to distinguish color, though their eyes are well-adapted for sensing light. - (Hohmann, p. 63; MacClintock, p. 18; Zeveloff, p. 66)
Eyes are large and convex, which allows for bright images to project into the retina. The retina contains fewer cones therefore raccoons tend to be color blindness or possibly have “color weak” vision. It may be difficult to detect colors but they can detect a difference in brightness. (Zeveloff 2002).
Historical Literature
Where the Red Fern Grows Chapter 7 – 1967 – Raccoon would stick his hand inside the brace to pick up something shiny (like a piece of a tin can)
Dog Proof Traps that I have fit tested on
Duke Dog Proof
Z Trap Dog Proof
Minnesota Trapline Bridger / T3 Dog Proof
Freedom Brand 2 Dog Proof
Freedom Brand 1 Dog Proof
No BS KO Dog Proof
CAUTION - Chernobyl Raccoon Eggs – DO NOT FLOAT – So when using near creek or water keep that in mind you might have to go for a dip to retrieve it.
I do not know what they will do in fast running creek when it floods – Can only assume that it has enough flat surfaces that it will tumble down stream on the bottom.
Creating a feeding frenzy that needs to be satisfied with bait in Dog Proof!
You can do this in any order.
Take 1 cotton ball and with small screw driver shove into base aka as scent holder.
The bolt will grab cotton and keep in place.
You can now add lure/scent, fish oill, salmon oil, or crayfish oil to cotton balls before you deploy in dog proof.
Whatever it takes to produce more tight chains.
62 days deployed in 2023 Trapping season Chernobyl Raccoon Eggs are still glowing.
Snow, rain, and sub freezing temperatures.
Photo take at 7:15 pm from about 10 feet away.
Also these where made around 1 year ago also.
Would like to thank the sales team! Chernobyl Raccoon Egg
While they do waste time, bait, gas, and money and opportunity. They are relentless!
While bait, gas and money can be replenished.
Time is lost forever.
Mice, birds, squirrels, flying squirrels, chipmunks, and pack rats eating bait out of Dog Proof traps.
Opportunity may or may not happen again.
Bait all gone when the Raccoon comes by.
Chernobyl Raccoon Eggs
seen on
The Management Advantage with Casey Shoopman
June 2023
Trapping Brothers and Sisters Results
Thank you, Chernobyl Raccoon Eggs have been deployed in 34 states and 1 province in Canada.
From Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming and Alberta, Canada.
Chernobyl Raccoon Eggs!
National Trappers Association Convention
July 27 - 29, 2023
Introducing the Chernobyl Raccoon Egg from North American Wildlife and Habitat
ESCANABA, MICHIGAN — In its first ever show and convention the introduction of the Chernobyl Raccoon Egg from North American Wildlife and Habitat of Jackson, Missouri. To the largest trapping event in North America, the National Trappers Association Convention, drew crowds of outdoor and trapping enthusiasts from Alaska to Florida, to the Upper Peninsula State Fairgrounds this past week.
Chernobyl Raccoon Egg is a dog proof trap cap with a scent holder base. Charged by the sunlight and this glowing in the dark egg, enhances your dog proof trap at night, while protecting your bait from weather and non-target wildlife like mice, chipmunks, birds, etc.
With 75 years of research showing that raccoons are the No. 1 nest predator and 100 years of trapping history of using something shiny to trap raccoon before dog proofs came out in the 1980’s and years of research and testing, the Chernobyl Raccoon Egg was offer to public for the first time December of 2022.
Over 500 Chernobyl Raccoon Eggs now deployed in 8 months across 24 states to over 100 individuals.
960 KZIM - Cherynobyl Raccoon Eggs on the Radio - 8/2/2023
September 2023
Trapping with Jinx